Introducing the new MAM anklet collection

Bare feet that taste the movement generated by the energy of the earth. The dance of our roots, the roots of the trees, and all existence.

Feet that, through dance, discover how important it is to go deep in your roots to connect directly with the heart of mother earth.

Dancing, rooting, and accepting that existence needs us, that we are a unique and vital piece within the whole.

It is connecting with the earth and remembering that our sense of separation from the universe doesn't really exist, that we are connected to everything and with everything around us.

With this intention, MAM gives birth to this spectacular anklet bracelet collection made of high-end recycled materials. A perfect combination of gold anklets, silver anklets, and different types of chains that together generate movement.

This summer, take off your shoes, dance as one with the sun, the moon, the earth, and the existence itself, and receive the love that descends on you from all the universe's dimensions.